Friday, November 20, 2009

Discussion Leader #4: Luke

1) At the end of chapter 4, the author discusses the "secret of manhood." How accurate do you find that to be?

Her explanation about how men wear armor that is way to big and is borrowed, in my opinion. is fairly accurate. Many men have many insecurities that they do not let other men see. In order to hide these insecurities they hide behing armor and act tough.

2) Do you feel that women generally lump men into the cheaters catagory?

Women do tend to place men into this category, but it seems that it is because of the faults of other men. It is unfair to call all men cheaters and other things along those lines. It is important to realize that men and women equally are capable of hurting, and because of this, both men and women should be treated as individuals.

3) Is it fair to ask men to be modern and support feminism, yet be traditional and hold doors and pick up the check?

This is not a fair standard to set for men. It is an ideal thing to look for, but it varies depending on the woman and what her views are. Unfortunelty for men, they must figure out which is more accepted by the woman they are trying to impress.

4) In a monastery do you think it would be more beneficial to experience life then decide to enter monastic life like Vergil, or be like Jerome and join right away?

Both methods have their benefits. If the person feels ready to join right away then by all means they should. But when you think about what experiences you would be missing out on by doing so then it would seem more beneficial to join after spending some of you life in the "real" world. I personally think it is important to experience things in life, because you learn a lot from these things.

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